Thief simulator cloaking device
Thief simulator cloaking device

thief simulator cloaking device

‘Antimagnet’ joins list of invisibility approaches – However, generating plasma in air is too expensive and a feasible alternative is generating plasma between thin membranes instead… A plasma cloaking device was patented in 1991.’ Ĭarbon nanotube ‘space camouflage’ coating invented – ‘Tiny carbon tubes can be used to hide three-dimensional objects from view, according to a team of researchers.’ –

thief simulator cloaking device thief simulator cloaking device

Plasma stealth technologies -‘Plasma at certain density ranges absorbs certain bandwidths of broadband waves, potentially rendering an object invisible. Light is deflected around the object, causing it to be invisible. Cloaking device deactivated: Ligh t is reflected and absorbed by the obj ect, causing it to be visible. Simulation of how a cloaking device would work. Invisibility and stealth technologies have come a long way in recent years: These technologies are not new to science, and are probably used in many industrial processes. It is easy to dismiss these experiences, but there are technologies that could help to explain what has been going on. Cases where people are certain something was there, and then it was not, and perhaps it later appeared in the same place, or somewhere else. Of course we all lose things and find them again, but what is being described here is a bit different.

thief simulator cloaking device

If you browse the internet for ‘disappearing object phenomenon’ you will find quite a range of reports from people who have experienced this – for example IT IS NOT JUST TI’S THAT REPORT THESE EXPERIENCES Some weeks later it appeared during the day on top of my bed cover, neatly folded. – An eye mask I used for sleeping disappeared. I could not straighten it, and had to leave the door unlocked till a key cutter had replaced it. – on one occasion I was leaving the house and went to lock the door. some weeks later, the keys reappeared hanging from a hook in my bedroom I had a second set, and thought no more about it. – Three years ago, the keys to my house door disappeared while I was inside. I have had lots of things disappear and reappear: This forced incarceration is usually short in duration and is designed to discredit the TI in the eyes of family and friends to destroy these relationships.’  page 31 Family members or the cooperative authorities engineer an early intervention by mental health professionals. The friendships of most TI’s do not stand the strain of what most interpret to be a mental illness. It is standard operating procedure to separate the TI from support systems such as family and friends early in the process and to paint them as crazy. While away from home, you find damage to clothing or furniture which you know did not occur from normal wear…Įarly targeting procedure is to get the TI to discredit themselves by appealing to family and co-workers for understanding and help. Some days later these belongings may turn up in a place you know they were not, yet you cannot ever convince others this was theft and return. ‘While away from home or work, belongings turn up missing and you know for certain they were there when you left. This post, is about one type of incident sometimes reported by TIs – disappearing objects that reappear later. TIs may suspect that they are something to do with being targeted, but they may have no information or evidence to explain what is going on. There are a lot of small events in the lives of Targeted Individuals that do not make sense. – advances in modern technology that are consistent with this happening. – objects belonging to targeted individuals disappearing and reappearing.

Thief simulator cloaking device